【同义词辨析】 2020-01-08 收成reap-harvest

reap: basically applies to the cutting down and usually collecting of ripened grain, and often suggests a return or requital: hoped to ~ the rewards of hard work.     谚语as you sow, so shall you reap种瓜瓜,种豆豆     (requitereturn都表示回报,但很正式,如to requite like for like以恩恩, 以牙牙,如to requite kindness with ingratitude以怨德,如she did not requite his love她没有回报他的爱)   graincereal谷物谷粒但也可指wheat麦子corn玉米

glean: implies a striping of a field or plant that has already been gone over once and applies to any gathering up of useful bits from here and there and especially of such as have been overlooked by others: ~ed new evidence from the site of the crime.  strip脱衣除去覆盖物to remove the coverings from something,如they stripped the bed他们把床上的被褥全拿走了,如the bark has been stripped away from the tree树皮已经剥光了,如I was tempted to strip off for a swim真想脱光衣服下水游泳)

gather: applies to any collecting or bringing together of material, such as the produce of a farm or garden, and stresses amassing or accumulation: ~ed information. (amass积攒to gather together,如he amassed a fortune他积攒了一笔财产)  (accumulate积累,表示积攒增长to gather together and increase,如his debts accumulated他债台高筑,如investigators have yet to accumulate enough evidence调查人员尚未收集到足够的证据)

garner: implies the storing of produce reaped or gathered and can apply to any laying away of a store: a collection of maxims ~ed from her neighbors.

harvest: may imply any or all of these agricultural practices or may apply to any gathering in or husbanding: ~ed a bumper crop.   (husband字面意思是耕作的人,hus表示house房子,bandi表示to till, cultivate田育土,husband还用作动词,表示节约使用资源to use resources economically,如the need to husband his remaining strength需要节省他剩余的体力)

reap收割: 本意是割下收集谷物,比喻获得回报,glean拾穗拾遗: 指捡拾已收割农田上的散落谷物,比喻四处零散地收集被人忽略的东西,gather收集: 泛指收集农作物等,强调积攒累,garner收藏: 指存放收割的农产品或其它事物,harvest收成: 可替代以上各词

记忆方法: 1)首字母RGGGH中RH想成任何GGG想成瓜果谷<==收成    是个会意字,本意是"用手把东西缠起来",从,汉语中反文旁表示"手",如攻改败放敲政整收都是动词,表示用手做事,汉语中丩旁表示"缠绕", 如缠纠结(本意是命令威胁)喊都有缠绕的意思。可见"收"的本意是用手缠绕,也就是使外面的事物到里面或摊开的聚拢,如收拿收捕收手收缩收兵收拾收藏,引申为"得到获取",如收益收入收获收支等

        2)收成的意思是收集庄稼mean to do the work or a particular part of the work of collecting ripened crops.   (crop泛指庄稼农作物means a cultivated plant that is grown on a large scale commercially, especially a cereal, fruit, or vegetable尤指谷类蔬菜水果等,如the main crops were oats and barley主要农作物是燕麦和大麦,graincereal谷物谷粒)